So first I would like to apologize that it's been so long since I've last posted and that I have no photos this time. A lot has happened these past two weeks. Last weekend I went to Granada, which is really pretty. It's full of old buildings and kept up really well, its nice to walk around and wander around the city. That being said, it's quite a touristy place, very different from the Nicaragua I've gotten used to.
The most exciting thing that's gone on though is getting my site. This being the place where I will be living and working in for the next two years of my life. Site assignment is something that I've been pretty anxious about and working myself up to, and the event itself was rather anticlimactic. I am happy with my site though which is....(drum roll): a nice large pueblo in the department of Leon. My site is actually quite urban (by Nicaraguan standards) with a population of 35,000. The schools where I'm going to be teaching however are very rural. One of my schools requires me to take a bus out of town then its a 30-45 minute trek through horse pastures, corn fields, banana plantations, and a rickety bridge to get to a tiny multi-grade school that has 1 teacher and 11 kids.
So now that I've got my site and have seen it I have to say that I am done with training, or rather wish I was. I'm ready to start my service. To move to my town, get to know the community, and start working. I am excited.
Miss you all so much!
OK, I hate to state the obvious but are you starting to notice a pattern in your life? Your last name is everywhere! From the county you lived in during your undergrad years to the area you'll now be living and working in. lol. I still love that picture I took of you and your brother under that Leon street sign in Tally. Anyways take care and post more pictures when you get the time. :)